Wednesday, July 11, 2012

To Boldy Mow Where No Man Has Mown Before

This is the first year that I have not primarily worked with the children.  I've been working on the maintenance crew and primarily mowing at that.  It's a really, really big place to mow with a push mower.
This is it, right here -------------------------------------------->>>>>
When they asked us for volunteers to mow, the question was, "Is it self propelled?"  The answer to that is, "Only down hill!"   Not to mention, this particular mower has seen some use and abuse in it's time.  But undaunted, I launched into the outer spaces.
My intention was to mow the lawn areas next to the center and the two outdoor play areas.  After two days of mowing, I still have not gotten to the playground and there is still one large field left to mow.  In the immortal wisdom of Gru, "This is going on forever."
As begin mowing in front of the center, I finish an area and then notice how bad it makes the area right next to it look.  So I pick a place and tell myself, "I'm only going to mow to 'there'".  But then, why not a little further down?  And so the process of pushing back the jungle has begun.
The hill in front of the malnutrition center and the children inside it have something in common.  Neither has ever seen a lawn mower!

Paul writes in Romans 15, "And thus I aspired to preach the gospel, not where Christ was already named, so that I would not build on another man's foundations."  Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, but other times you just want to do something a little "out there."  A little off the beaten path, so to speak.  In the immortal words of the great philosopher, James Tiberias Kirk, "To boldly go where no man has gone before!"

Monday, July 9, 2012


Such privilege that I have down to Guatemala. It is very exhausting from the moment when we left from Bradenton. However, the experience I have here is wonderful, people, environment, and FOOD!! I love the food we have in the hotel; it’s amazing (double portion dinner every night, yum yum!) Anyways, God reminded me what is reality, the poor and orphan…etc. I thought I understand what poverty is, but the truth is I don’t. I forgot how rich we really are (the Americans.) and through God, Jim, and the Orphans Heart’s help I have a chance to build the Kingdom in Guatemala. Moreover, today is my first day working in the Malnutrition Center, and for a man who has diaper phobia like me changed a diaper!! (Although with help lol) and I painted the wall for kids picture frames, also the kids are lovable and play with them is fantastic. Finally, Laura is not feeling good, please pray for her, and I too not in a healthy status. Above all, thanks to Jesus Christ for everything, and you, too, may have peace from our God through Christ Jesus our Lord. ~ Yung

Buenas Nachos

Hola de Guatemala! J It’s great to be back here. So much is familiar, yet a lot is different too. God is doing so much here, I don’t have the time or space to write it all, but I have a few quick stories!  Every group usually has a verse that is kind of on the hearts of everyone.  This year the verse has been Jeremiah 29:11. I don’t know exactly why, maybe it’s because I’ve heard that verse so much that I just kind of tuned it out, yeah God has things planned, you all know the story. Well, this morning when I woke up I put on my “old work pants” that I haven’t worn in weeks, in the pocket was Jeremiah 29:11 written on a note card. I have no idea when I wrote that but it was there for me to find this morning. It was humbling, like God was saying, who are you to choose which verse is important or not? I took that verse in for the first time today and I gotta say it felt good. On a “Malnutrition Center” note, the kids in my group were really sharing the word…. A 2 year old girl, Josephina was carefully ripping out pages of her little picture bible and handing them to all the kids. I guess that’s one way to do it…. But I’m looking forward to the next three days, I know this morning will not be the last time I’ll be humbled and I welcome the changes this beautiful country and trip brings not only to my lifestyle but to my spiritual life as well.  In the words of Whitney Freeman, “Buenas Nachos!”. ~Kristen

Jim's Message from Antigua

This is the message that was supposed to play on Sunday following our greeting "to the folks back home."  I understand there were technical problems.  Here it is again.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Guatemala According to Nikki

We arrived safely in Guatemala last night. As soon as we saw Rachel, we attacked her with a giant group hug! Haha! This morning we had a worship service and then headed out for our free day. Half of the group went ziplineing. Our church group went to the Myan ruins. Iximche is the name of the village.
The Myans still worship at the altars in the ruins. They don't do human sacrifices. Instead, they offer burnt offerings of  things like sugar and cigars. These people aren't worshiping God. They are worshiping spirits and animals. The Myans worship the creation instead of the Creator.
Sandy decided we should circle up and pray around the altar. We prayed that God's presence would be in that place. We also prayed that the Myan people's eyes and hearts would be opened and they would see God through creation.
As soon as we said "Amen" the wind started blowing. God's spirit was moving and we could feel it! It was AMAZING!!! I am confident that things will start changing for the Myan people.
We are going to the center tomorrow morning. I am so excited!!! :D

Saturday, July 7, 2012


In Miami!  We made good time.  That hour early we left (just in case), we spent playing word games at the children's home.
Pray for the nine of us - Laura, Whitney, Marylin, Sandy, Ezra, Josh, Nikki, Sandy and Jim.  We brought 15 pieces of checked luggage and Orphan's Heart added three more bags of supplies.  That's a lot to get through customs!
Check the blog often.  We should update it everyday - sometimes more.  I'll also try to announce times when we will have a live video stream.  You can find it by going to the church webpage ( and following the Live Stream link from the front page.  Subscribe to the bog to make sure you don't miss anything and I will try to cross post everything to my facebook.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Headed Back Again

Reactivating the blog for the newest trip to Guatemala.
We will depart from Miami on Saturday, July 7 and return on Friday, July 13.
Check here for updates along the way as we share what we experience.
Thank you to our many supporters who make this possible.  It is a big job and we can't do it without you.  Check back all next week for new posts and pics.