Wednesday, July 11, 2012

To Boldy Mow Where No Man Has Mown Before

This is the first year that I have not primarily worked with the children.  I've been working on the maintenance crew and primarily mowing at that.  It's a really, really big place to mow with a push mower.
This is it, right here -------------------------------------------->>>>>
When they asked us for volunteers to mow, the question was, "Is it self propelled?"  The answer to that is, "Only down hill!"   Not to mention, this particular mower has seen some use and abuse in it's time.  But undaunted, I launched into the outer spaces.
My intention was to mow the lawn areas next to the center and the two outdoor play areas.  After two days of mowing, I still have not gotten to the playground and there is still one large field left to mow.  In the immortal wisdom of Gru, "This is going on forever."
As begin mowing in front of the center, I finish an area and then notice how bad it makes the area right next to it look.  So I pick a place and tell myself, "I'm only going to mow to 'there'".  But then, why not a little further down?  And so the process of pushing back the jungle has begun.
The hill in front of the malnutrition center and the children inside it have something in common.  Neither has ever seen a lawn mower!

Paul writes in Romans 15, "And thus I aspired to preach the gospel, not where Christ was already named, so that I would not build on another man's foundations."  Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, but other times you just want to do something a little "out there."  A little off the beaten path, so to speak.  In the immortal words of the great philosopher, James Tiberias Kirk, "To boldly go where no man has gone before!"

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