Monday, July 9, 2012

Buenas Nachos

Hola de Guatemala! J It’s great to be back here. So much is familiar, yet a lot is different too. God is doing so much here, I don’t have the time or space to write it all, but I have a few quick stories!  Every group usually has a verse that is kind of on the hearts of everyone.  This year the verse has been Jeremiah 29:11. I don’t know exactly why, maybe it’s because I’ve heard that verse so much that I just kind of tuned it out, yeah God has things planned, you all know the story. Well, this morning when I woke up I put on my “old work pants” that I haven’t worn in weeks, in the pocket was Jeremiah 29:11 written on a note card. I have no idea when I wrote that but it was there for me to find this morning. It was humbling, like God was saying, who are you to choose which verse is important or not? I took that verse in for the first time today and I gotta say it felt good. On a “Malnutrition Center” note, the kids in my group were really sharing the word…. A 2 year old girl, Josephina was carefully ripping out pages of her little picture bible and handing them to all the kids. I guess that’s one way to do it…. But I’m looking forward to the next three days, I know this morning will not be the last time I’ll be humbled and I welcome the changes this beautiful country and trip brings not only to my lifestyle but to my spiritual life as well.  In the words of Whitney Freeman, “Buenas Nachos!”. ~Kristen

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