Sunday, July 8, 2012

Guatemala According to Nikki

We arrived safely in Guatemala last night. As soon as we saw Rachel, we attacked her with a giant group hug! Haha! This morning we had a worship service and then headed out for our free day. Half of the group went ziplineing. Our church group went to the Myan ruins. Iximche is the name of the village.
The Myans still worship at the altars in the ruins. They don't do human sacrifices. Instead, they offer burnt offerings of  things like sugar and cigars. These people aren't worshiping God. They are worshiping spirits and animals. The Myans worship the creation instead of the Creator.
Sandy decided we should circle up and pray around the altar. We prayed that God's presence would be in that place. We also prayed that the Myan people's eyes and hearts would be opened and they would see God through creation.
As soon as we said "Amen" the wind started blowing. God's spirit was moving and we could feel it! It was AMAZING!!! I am confident that things will start changing for the Myan people.
We are going to the center tomorrow morning. I am so excited!!! :D

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